At Apex Doors+, we have multiple CNC machines capable of cutting a variety of substrates and thicknesses, including engineered wood products, sheet plastics, and plywood. We offer a vast array of finishes and coating choices based on your needs. Our engineering staff and production crew have the capabilities to produce all products to your required specifications. The commitment of our staff to the efficient production of quality products, our belief in customer service, and our constant innovation make Apex Doors+ one of the fastest-growing companies in the industry. We are committed to delivering the result you need when you need it.

At Apex Doors+, we have multiple CNC machines capable of cutting a variety of substrates and thicknesses, including engineered wood products, sheet plastics, and plywood. We offer a vast array of finishes and coating choices based on your needs. Our engineering staff and production crew have the capabilities to produce all products to your required specifications. The commitment of our staff to the efficient production of quality products, our belief in customer service, and our constant innovation make Apex Doors+ one of the fastest-growing companies in the industry. We are committed to delivering the result you need when you need it.

Since we began production in 2020, we have honed our skills with consistent innovations to the production process of cabinet doors. This expertise helped us create a product that sets a new industry standard for quality, durability, and cost-efficiency. Manufactured using engineered hardwood, our cabinet doors can be finished with a state-of-the-art powder coating process for a consistency of quality that is unmatched by other finishing processes. This coating comes in a wide range of colors and textures and is performed by Infinity UV, a local business that shares our commitment to quality for our customers. We also offer more traditional thermofoil finishes based on customer requirements.

Counter tops
The team at Apex Doors+ has years of experience engineering, producing, and finishing countertops of superb caliber and we are committed to delivering value to our customers. Like our cabinet doors, our countertops are made from engineered softwoods. This premium material coupled with our evolving improvements to the manufacturing process allow us to create a product that is superior to our competitors. Customers have their choice of our diverse line-up of available finishes including the powder coat by Infinity UV and our thermofoil offerings.

We founded Apex Doors+ with the idea that baggage doors for all varieties of recreational vehicles should be better. By modernizing manufacturing methods and using strategic innovations in the field, we are setting out to make the most exceptional doors on the market with a continued commitment to creating value for our customers.

Custom Work
With an on-site engineering staff and nimble production capabilities, Apex Doors+ can deliver the custom cut and finished CNC products customers demand. Our proficient and knowledgeable staff have years of experience working with diverse materials and cutting processes. We have familiarity with multi-step production procedures and always strive to develop improvements. And of course, our unmatched collection of available finishes for engineered wood-based products allows our team to deliver the quality results you need when you need them.